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33 Results Found

Lessons from the Field: How Three AHA Member Health Systems Achieved Board Diversity

Effecting genuine change through executive leadership, board support, creativity and commitment can accelerate diversity efforts.

Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Podcasts

A list of podcasts from the AHA on health equity, diversity, and inclusions.

Data can engage physicians in value

Physician engagement in value-based care is an increasingly critical issue for health care boards.

Meeting the Physicians Needs: The Road to Organization-Physician Engagement

SNAPSHOT Physicians are frustrated and overwhelmed by the changes in care delivery.

Health care CEOs can build engagement by cultivating physician leaders

Perhaps the greatest challenge health care organizations face over the next decade is physician engagement.

The Importance of Physician Leadership

Physician engagement is paramount as hospitals and health systems navigate the transition from volume to value. And yet, it won't be enough to ensure organizational success.