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39 Results Found
Quality and Patient Safety Articles
A collection of articles and toolkits from the AHA Trustee Services on quality and patient safety.
Boardroom Brief: The Board’s Role in Quality and Patient Safety
Hospital and health system governing boards have a critical leadership and oversight role in quality and patient safety.
Data can engage physicians in value
Physician engagement in value-based care is an increasingly critical issue for health care boards.
Board Diversity Survey to Advance Health Equity
Understanding a board’s aptitude and ability to advance health equity should be a key element of board strategy.
Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Podcasts
A list of podcasts from the AHA on health equity, diversity, and inclusions.
What Boards Need to Know About the New CMS QAPI Requirement
CMS on March 9 released changes to its interpretive guidance for the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program.
Jamie Orlikoff Discusses Quality and Safety
Jamie Orlikoff, president of Orlikoff & Associates, Inc. and national adviser on governance and leadership at the AHA, defines a culture of safety in hospitals and how boards effect and influence it.
Lower-cost Ways to Strengthen Patient Engagement
Snapshot By engaging patients with new services and technology, hospitals are heading off costly interventions and building loyalty.