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6 Results Found
Reimbursement reform: Educating physicians
It was standing room only at a January physician education event in South Carolina as 140-plus providers in the Palmetto Health Quality Collaborative gathered from around the state’s Midlands regio
The Ins and Outs of Physician Payment After Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate Reform
On April 16, President Barack Obama signed into law the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015
What rural hospitals need to know about MACRA
Trustee talking points
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has rolled out a new Medicare physician payment system. The system will affect payment star
AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees
AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees
The American Hospital Association board of trustees in July approved a plan to strengthen the AHA’s role in s
The key to new payment programs? Data management.
Value-based payment approaches, including Medicare’s Quality Payment Program for physicians and other eligible clinicians, tie fees and bonuses to how well providers perform on various qualit
The costs of violence
Report examines cost of community violence
Community violence cost U.S.