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14 Results Found
The Pathway Back to the Board Room
With careful assessment, health care boards may consider a return to the board room in 2021.
Intermountain Healthcare Embraces Transformation
Trustee Articles
Utah-based Intermountain Healthcare continues to transform itself to best adapt to the demands of the changing health care environment. As part of the current transformation, the health system has organized its leadership to optimize the interdependencies of safety, quality, patient experience and workforce engagement. Under this construct, the system streamlines decision making, minimizes waste and redundancy, and positions the organization to deliver exceptional patient-centered care.
Enhancing Governance to Foster Innovation
Trustee Articles
By adopting practices that embrace innovation, boards are better prepared to plan for change.
Health Care Governance on the Eve of Disruption
Trustee Articles
Corporate boards, across industry sectors, are increasingly being called upon to support management as the company responds to how innovative competitors “disrupt” their existing business model. Blockbuster, Borders and ESPN are prime examples of established companies that have been pulled into the financial undertow created by nimble disruptors.
Engaging Boards in Disruptive Innovation
Trustee Articles
Hospitals and systems must understand the threats posed by market disruptors and craft specific strategies to protect their missions.
Top 10 Emerging Trends in Health Care for 2021: The New Normal
Continued disruption will require health care boards to adapt their governance models to adapt to the unprecedented times.