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31 Results Found

AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence

The AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that set the standard for supply chain management in the health care field. AHRMM has developed the AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence – essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that every health care supply chain should be measuring.


AHRMM Staff and their positions.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Contract Price Alignment in Healthcare

Magazine & Journal Articles
Managing contract pricing more effectively—from creation to renewal or expiration—can deliver real operational and financial benefits for healthcare organizations.

The Healthcare Supply Chain: Best Practices for Operating at the Intersection of Cost, Quality, and Outcomes

This book was written to enhance the strategic contributions of the healthcare supply chain in a way that is most meaningful to hospitals’ and health-systems’ value-based goals.

How a Community Hospital Improved Heart Attack Outcomes while Reducing Costs to Outperform Most Hospitals in the Country

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
This article is from the March/April 2017 issue of the AHRMM member-only magazine, Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions. At St.

Inclusive Teams and Unlocked Silos Can Increase Cost Savings

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
This article is from the November/December 2016 issue of the AHRMM member-only magazine, Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions.

Healthcare, “Back to the Future”

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
How often have you heard that supply chain is involved in patient care from the moment the patient walks in the door to discharge?

Bundled Payments Reshape Healthcare and the Supply Chain

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Bundled payments provide a single payment for a defined episode of care that is shared among the caregivers involved in the delivery of care, with the risk shifting primarily to hospitals.

Dangerous Infusion Errors Top ECRI Institute's Annual Health Technology Hazards List

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
The safe use of health technology—from infusion pumps to complex imaging systems—requires that healthcare facilities recognize the possibility of danger or difficulty with those technologies and th