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119 Results Found

Hospital-acquired conditions drop 17%

Hospitals are making “substantial progress in improving safety,” according to an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality report that found a 17 percent decline

Hospitals Tap Into News Reporting to Connect With Community

Hospitals can build stronger connections to the community through popular social media sites and apps.

Hospital CEO Turnover Rate High, Shows Slight Decline in 2014

Hospitals continued to see a high rate of CEO turnover in 2014, with 4,501 hospitals reporting a rate of 18 percent, according to a report recently released by the American College of Healthcare Ex

2016 Rural Health Care Leadership Conference

Rural health care boards and executives are transforming their organizations for a new world of accountable care marked by changing payment models, heightened expectations for physician alignment a

What Antibiotic-resistant Germs Cause

Health care must become more diverse in its leadership, governance and staff, and it must work hard to eliminate disparities in care. Here’s why:

Collaborative Leader Takes Home Shirley Ann Munroe Award

The American Hospital Association last month awarded its 2015 Shirley Ann Munroe Leadership Award to Vince Oliver, CEO and superint

AHA 2018 Environmental Scan

White Papers

Sustainable Operations: How Hospitals are Doing Now

Hospitals and health systems are extending their efforts to embrace environmental sustainability, especially when it comes to energy consumption, according to the 2015 Health Facilities M

Hospitals use technology to improve emergency room performance

Hospitals are making greater use of new technologies to improve emergency department throughput.