Sample Committee Assessment Board Audit and Compliance Committee

Sample Committee Assessment Board Audit and Compliance Committee

Note:The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.

This self-assessment tool will provide you an opportunity to evaluate our committee’s performance and contributions.The tool contains 26 items and will take about 10 minutes to complete; a small investment in our committee’s continuing development.

  • Skim through the entire inventory, and familiarize yourself with it, before responding to any of the items.
  • Clearly circle only one response for each item; ranging from 5 (meaning you agree) through 3 (meaning you somewhat agree) to 1 (meaning you disagree). In addition, where there is only a 1 or 5, please regard 1 to mean no or false and 5 to mean either yes or true.
  • Focus exclusively on our committee at the present time.
  • Be discriminating. We often receive inventories where the responses are uniformly high.This is unrealistic; all committees excel in some areas and are poor in others.Your responses should be distributed across the full five point scale reflecting the diversity of your board’s characteristics and performance.
  • Be candid. Undertake an honest assessment.All boards excel in some areas and don’t in others; your responses should reflect this.
