Cybersecurity Awareness is a Board Responsibility
AHA Cybersecurity expert John Riggi discusses what trustees should know about their organization’s cyberthreat plan
By Nikhil Baviskar
The frequency and severity of cyber-attacks on hospitals continues to mount as hackers become more
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Trustee Articles
Cyberattacks have far-reaching consequences that directly threaten patient care, patient safety and broader public health and safety, by potentially denying the availability of the hospital and emergency medical care to the community.
Trustee Articles
Trustees should take steps to understand and reduce the risk of large-scale data breaches.
Trustee Articles
With proper planning and investment, hospitals and health systems can reduce cyber risks and vulnerabilities.
Trustee Articles
Cybersecurity is an important issue for both the public and private sector. At a time when so many of our activities depend on information systems and technology, it is not surprising that, when we think about our organizations’ vulnerabilities, our information infrastructure must
be high on the list.