Podcasts on Quality and Patient Safety
Conversations with Hospital Leaders about Quality Strategies
Former AHA Board Chair Mindy Estes, M.D., speaks to Greg Bentz, chairman of BJC Healthcare and Jack Lynch, president and CEO of Main Line Health on the steps they are taking to advance patient safety and quality. This video series is part of AHA's Patient Safety Initiative.
Hospital Boards Lay the Foundation for Quality and Safety
In this "Safety Speaks" conversation, Jamie Orlikoff, national adviser on governance and leadership at the AHA, discusses the role hospital boards play in supporting quality and safety within their health systems, and how board members who aren't clinicians or health care administrators can make a difference in patient safety.
Advancing Health Podcast Unifying Hospital Boards on Quality and Safety
In this new “Safety Speaks” conversation, Harry S. Smith, board chair of Valley Health System and member of the AHA Committee on Governance, discusses how their organization rearranged its governance system to ensure that quality and patient safety standards were being met across the board.
How the Board Influences a Culture of Safety
Jamie Orlikoff, the AHA’s national adviser on governance and leadership, discusses how trustees can affect a culture of safety. Jamie shares his insights with Sue Ellen Wagner, vice president, Trustee Engagement and Strategy about this evergreen topic of interest.