CEO Evaluation

Best Board Practices Checklist:
CEO Goal-Setting and Appraisal Process

CEO goal-setting and evaluation is a fundamental responsibility of a governing board. These questions are designed to help boards assess their CEO evaluation process and determine if any improvements are necessary.


1. Does the CEO have a current, written position description that is clear and comprehensive?

2. Does the CEO have an employment contract that, among other things, includes a clear separation agreement?

3. Has the board established in writing, in a policy statement, a formal, CEO goal setting and appraisal process?

4. Has the board formed an effective and independent, Executive Evaluation Committee, or does another committee perform this function, such as the Executive Committee?

5. Do both the CEO and board members perceive the executive evaluation process to be constructive and objective?

6. Does the CEO receive clear and useful feedback on the board’s expectations and evaluation of his or her performance?

7. Do all members of the board have sufficient input into establishing the CEO’s goals and evaluating performance?

