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10 Results Found

Preserving your hospital’s independence

Trustee talking points More and more hospitals are joining larger health systems. Boards that want their hospital to remain independent have a number of strat

AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees

Governance AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees The American Hospital Association board of trustees in July approved a plan to strengthen the AHA’s role in s

The key to new payment programs? Data management.

Value-based payment approaches, including Medicare’s Quality Payment Program for physicians and other eligible clinicians, tie fees and bonuses to how well providers perform on various qualit

What rural hospitals need to know about MACRA

Trustee talking points The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has rolled out a new Medicare physician payment system. The system will affect payment star

9 ways to bolster vulnerable communities

Millions of Americans in both urban and rural communities are unable to access essential health care services.

Quality Payment Program, Year 2

In January, physicians and other eligible clinicians began their second year of Medicare’s Quality Payment Program, established by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

How Rural Trustees Can Meet Health Care Changes

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points The inst

Recruiting rural executives

Rural hospitals and health systems often face a leadership Catch-22: They need strong leaders to overcome the well-documented challenges facing rural health care — limited resources and dwind

Outpatient Care Inspires New Building Design

Snapshot As inpatient utilization declines, outdated rural hospitals can meet their community’s changing needs by building or converting to ambulatory-driven life enhanceme