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78 Results Found

Understanding Your Physician Employment Strategy

Trustee Articles
Oversight of an employed physician network is a new and evolving role for your board. Focus on five key issues, and adopt three best practices, to help the network succeed.

The Reality of the American Health Care Consumer

Snapshot Patients' ability to pay premiums and out-of-pocket costs is shrinking. They also need more convenient care. Are hospitals listening?

Collaborative governance the key to improving community health

Health care delivery and payment are undergoing profound change.

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

How to Create a Better Board-CEO Relationship

Snapshot A positive relationship between the board and CEO is a prerequisite for hospital and health system success.

Navigating the health care waters

Over the past few years, and especially this year, many health care trustees are feeling like they are on a whitewater rafting trip.

The ethical leader: Practical tips on decision-making

Trustee talking points As hospitals move into value-based business models and assume risk, ethical issues are likely to become more prevalent. Ethical le

Total cost of care: Key considerations

There is a general consensus that the current level of health care spending is unsustainable. Yet, such spending is expected to continue to grow faster than the U.S.