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47 Results Found

Information Governance for Hospitals

White Papers
Health care organizations live or die based on the quality of the data their leaders use to make strategic, business and clinical decisions.

High-performance succession planning

One thing that we all know is certain is change. Hospitals and health systems are adapting delivery models and strategies to remain viable for their communities.

Tech for techs sake?

Trustee talking points As health care becomes more complex and shifts its emphasis from volume to value, decisions on buying technology also need to become more sophisticated.

Safer, smaller, smarter health tech

Iron lungs out. Surgical robots in. The heart-wrenching sight of rows of children trapped in iron lungs has given way to the ability to transplant lungs.

Medical Devices Made Better

What’s your blood pressure? Do you check it yourself at home? Terrific, if you do! But how do you know if your device is reading your pressure accurately?

Taking advantage of tech

Technology permeates almost every corner of health care. Patient records, the operating room and primary care providers are all increasingly interconnected. 

IT interoperability: what is it, whats holding it up?

“Interoperability” has been a technology buzzword for a while now. But, what does it really mean?

Strategy for Change

Wurlitzer, Kodak, Digital Equipment Corporation — the business world is filled with the names of once great and dominant companies that ignored the winds of change.

Immersion Day for trustees

Could a board be more effective if it deeply understood the ins and outs of how a health system delivers care? For four years, the Immersion Day program at Mission Health in Asheville, N.

Health Care 2.0 and Beyond: The Digitally Aware Board

While the fee-for-service payment system remains profitable for many hospitals and systems, most agree that high-performing organizations in the future will be part of accountable, conn