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20 Results Found

Disrupting the Health System from Within

The core mission of health systems is at risk of disintermediation and commoditization by health plans, private equity, retail and big tech

Enhancing Governance to Foster Innovation

Trustee Articles
By adopting practices that embrace innovation, boards are better prepared to plan for change.

Governing in the Digital Age

Trustee Articles
Most boards I know were built by recruiting business leaders, physicians and clergy, and it’s important to have broad community representation among trustees. Increasingly, however, boards are recruiting new members by using a skills-based approach aligned with the organization’s strategic needs, including the need for information technology expertise. This is where “digital directors” come in.

Top 10 Trends to Watch (and Act Upon) in 2020

Trustee Articles
Continued changes in health care, both evolutionary and revolutionary, will require a steady hand and an open mind.

Advancing Rural Telehealth and Addressing Its Challenges

Engaging and retaining nursing staff can help drive organizational performance, including improving patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes.

The Socially Distant Board Room: Maximizing Virtual Governance

In a time when strong leadership is paramount, health care boards must be intentional and creative to stay informed and engaged, while adopting virtual meeting platforms and adapting practices to maintain effective governance.

Getting to the New Normal in Health Care

Health care boards can play a pivotal role to ensure their patients, employees and communities receive needed resources to heal, restore and rebuild for a better and healthier future.

Aligning Care Delivery to Emerging Payment Models

Trustee Articles
As payers shift financial risk to providers through more advanced payment models, trustees will need to help their organizations build new capabilities for succeeding under these payment arrangements.

Incorporating Cyberrisk Management into Enterprise Risk Management

Cyberattacks have far-reaching consequences that directly threaten patient care, patient safety and broader public health and safety, by potentially denying the availability of the hospital and emergency medical care to the community.

Engaging Boards in Disruptive Innovation

Trustee Articles
Hospitals and systems must understand the threats posed by market disruptors and craft specific strategies to protect their missions.