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538 Results Found
Governance Staffing: How Much Do We Need?
Trustee Articles
In most professions, there are clear and relatively consistent pathways along one’s career continuum, as well as clearly defined experiential and educational requirements. Not so with health care governance staffing, which ranges from board support provided by a CEO’s assistant all the way to a comprehensive governance support staff led by a senior vice president/chief governance officer.
Good Governance Policies in the Post-Enron Environment
Trustee Articles
The governance challenges raised in the post-Enron environment are motivating many boards and their general counsels to draft new board policies and tighten up existing ones.
Memorandum of Understanding MHS Board Chair/CEO Compact
Board and Committee Charters
An effective board chair/CEO relationship is essential to support governance excellence and begins with a clear understanding of individual and shared accountabilities. Dallas-based Methodist Health System defines these accountabilities in a board chair/CEO compact (shown below) that is used as both an orientation resource for new board chairs and a touchstone for ongoing evaluation of this critical relationship.
Participation Is Not Optional
A board that engages 100% of its membership results in effective governance.
Making Executive Sessions Work
A four-part executive session meeting model can lead to effective governance.
Mission-Based Decision-Making for Boards
Trustee Articles
A reason for being. An organization’s purpose or identity. An expression of what an organization believes it must be to best meet the needs of its stakeholders. These are descriptions of what we commonly think of as “mission.” Members of a health care organization’s board are responsible for governing in ways that help fulfill their organization’s mission. But what does that really mean? How does a hospital’s mission relate to effective governance?
Distinguishing Governance and Management
Trustee Articles
“What is the difference between governance and management?” is by far the question that not-for-profit executives and directors ask most often. Effective boards understand the difference between governing and managing; dysfunctional boards do not.
Lighting the Way on Board Integration
Tori Bayless is CEO of Luminis Health based in Annapolis, Md. Tim Adelman is Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel of Luminis Health. In this interview, they explain how the integration of two major health systems resulted in stronger governance.
Health Care Governance on the Eve of Disruption
Trustee Articles
Corporate boards, across industry sectors, are increasingly being called upon to support management as the company responds to how innovative competitors “disrupt” their existing business model. Blockbuster, Borders and ESPN are prime examples of established companies that have been pulled into the financial undertow created by nimble disruptors.