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221 Results Found

Board Compensation: The Emerging New Normal

The AHA triennial survey of health care boards reveals the exponential growth in the number of boards that provide cash compensation to their members.

COVID-19 Podcasts

Jamie Orlikoff and James Reinertsen, M.D., outline issues and actions for health care boards resuming non-emergency care.

Physician Burnout Demands Bold Action

Burnout is a multifaceted syndrome encompassing three primary components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment.

CEO Selection in a COVID-19 World

Though hospital and health system boards have always evaluated many factors when selecting a new executive leader, the coronavirus experience calls for considering other important elements.

Boardroom Brief: Encouraging a Risk-Aware Culture to Drive Value

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a strategic business discipline that supports the identification, assessment and management of risks. ERM can advance internal control of material risk and allow an organization to generate greater value from strategic and operational activities. To achieve these advantages, organizations must embed ERM elements into their culture and structure and examine the nature of the risks they face.

Trustee Insights Archive Editions

Trustee Insights I Archive includes previous editions of the AHA’s enhanced digital resource for hospital and health system boards and leadership. This robust ­monthly digital package includes insights and analysis on the changing dynamics in the health care field and what they mean for boards, as well as other rich resources to help achieve high-performing governance.

Board Leader Resources

Leadership DevelopmentPursuing Board Chair Excellence: Four Examples of Board Chair Selection Show What Can Go Right … or Wrong

Improving Community Health: An Emerging Priority for Health System Governance

On-Demand Educational Webinars
This webinar: Makes the case for health system engagement in multi-sector initiatives for improving community health. Discusses challenges system boards and leadership teams will likely have in participating in community health improvement. Makes recommendation for consideration by health system boards and leaders to make community health improvement an organizational and governance priority.