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53 Results Found

The Reality of the American Health Care Consumer

Snapshot Patients' ability to pay premiums and out-of-pocket costs is shrinking. They also need more convenient care. Are hospitals listening?

Genomic Medicine is (finally) revolutionizing health care

After years of fanfare and a few false starts, the era of genomic medicine has finally arrived.

Consumerism Hits Health Care

Snapshot Faced with growing financial responsibility for their health care, individuals are behaving more like consumers when making care decisions.

Priorities for todays nurse leader

Maureen Swick, R.N., took the helm as chief nursing officer of the American Hospital Association and CEO of the American Organization of Nurse Executives last summer.

Navigating successful health system integration

The decision to align with another health care organization is among the most important, if not the most important, undertakings for a hospital board.

Why a health care CEO may need a chief of staff

One of the outgrowths of transformational change in health care has been a significantly expanded workload for CEOs.

Prevention, Communication, Prediction: Major Tasks of Health Care IT

If they didn’t know it already, members of the hospital field’s C-suites do now: Keeping health care data out of the hands of cybercriminals is harder than ever.

A new health system means new governance

Trustee talking points Integrated hospitals and health systems hope to achieve all of the benefits of scale, in efficiency, quality and scope. Legacy governing board syst

Expanding the field

Hospitals don't serve just their patients. They also serve their communities.

Mental illness and acute care

For a long time, behavioral health patients have been marginalized in the nation’s health care system.