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5 Results Found

Leadership Advice from Retiring Sentara CEO David Bernd

David Bernd, CEO, Sentara Healthcare, Norfolk, Va., has led Sentara Healthcare for more than 20 years during which time the system achieved significant volume growth and won national quality awards

How smart incentives can reduce health system risk

Many hospital and health system boards and their leadership teams are at an interesting juncture where each is heavily reliant on the other for strategic support and execution.

Why a health care CEO may need a chief of staff

One of the outgrowths of transformational change in health care has been a significantly expanded workload for CEOs.

Succession planning: An investment in leadership continuity and success

Ensuring that an organization has consistent and effective leadership at the top is a principal board responsibility.

What it Takes to Be the New CEO

Snapshot With hospitals moving beyond their four walls to establish ambulatory care facilities, take on financial risk and pr