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86 Results Found

Coaching for Results

When a sports team has an outstanding game, people often examine the coach’s role in setting expectations for performance and helping the team effectively coalesce to achieve its goal.

Seven Levers Pushing Health Care to the Tipping Point

Snapshot What are the levers that are moving health care toward transformation?

Outpatient Care Inspires New Building Design

Snapshot As inpatient utilization declines, outdated rural hospitals can meet their community’s changing needs by building or converting to ambulatory-driven life enhanceme

Independence through collaboration

Trustee talking points Collaboratives or alliances of neighboring health systems are an alternative to formal consolidation. They provide a way for systems to gain

Investing in healthy cities

What does it mean for a health system to invest fully in its community?

The Reality of the American Health Care Consumer

Snapshot Patients' ability to pay premiums and out-of-pocket costs is shrinking. They also need more convenient care. Are hospitals listening?

Public hospitals and partnerships

Hospitals and health systems face an array of compounding pressures.

The Power of Rural Alliances


Navigating successful health system integration

The decision to align with another health care organization is among the most important, if not the most important, undertakings for a hospital board.

Will Boeing Change Health Care?

• Large employers, aiming to reduce the health costs for their employees, are forming tighter relationships directly with large provider networks, tying the contracts to the Triple Aim.