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16 Results Found

Elevating Philanthropy: a Board Primer

Forward-thinking health care organizations are exploring alternative revenue sources, with many recognizing philanthropy as a pivotal opportunity.

The Ever-important Role of Hospital Community Boards

Community governance is more critical today than ever before considering recent, often fast-moving trends and changes in the U.S. health care market. Nonprofit hospitals and health systems that double down on strong community governance not only have increased likelihood of staying true to their mission, but also have distinct strategic advantages over those that do not.

COG Chair on What Boards Can Expect in 2023

As we begin a new year, Sue Ellen Wagner looks at what lies ahead with Greg Bentz, 2023 Committee on Governance (COG) Chair.

Is Your Board of Trustees Micromanaging Your CEO?

How can a board and CEO work together to lead an organization well? Consider these 10 tips for helping boards stay in their lane while fulfilling governance obligations.