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78 Results Found

What Hospital Trustees Should Know About Bundled Payments

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Health c

Care and payment models: The right fit

Developing health care delivery and payment models to achieve the Triple Aim will be challenging.

Revisiting Executive Incentive Compensation

Incentive compensation plans are intended to focus executives’ attention on their organizations’ most vital priorities and initiatives.

Two to get started

When you agreed to serve on the board of a hospital, you probably knew that health care was changing.

The new health care consumer looking at finances, value

Patients are morphing into health consumers, shaped by paying first dollar for health care services.

How to prepare your hospital for risk

Trustees of nonprofit health care organizations appreciate that revenue from fee-for-service reimbursement has been the basis for keeping their institutions financially sustainable over many years.

Is Your Hospital Ready for Population Health?

Before a hospital or system launches a population health management initiative, it is essential to have clarity around the goals, required resources and success metrics.

The First Trustees: History Lessons

“I do not remember any of my political manoeuvres, the success of which gave me at the time more pleasure ...”

How smart incentives can reduce health system risk

Many hospital and health system boards and their leadership teams are at an interesting juncture where each is heavily reliant on the other for strategic support and execution.

New payment models: Are you ready?

When describing how care delivery differs under value-based payment versus traditional fee for service, Douglas Pogue, M.D., points to the way physicians’ mindsets are changing in the BJC Acc