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3 Results Found

How Boards Can Encourage Philanthropy to Benefit Hospitals and Communities

Hospital and health system trustees who want to ensure the organization achieves its mission can work to put a greater focus on their organization’s philanthropic foundation.

Board's Role in Managing a Crisis

Trustee Articles
The hospital's board chair picks up the phone in his office at TriState Bank headquarters. The CEO’s voice on the other end of the line is stark and serious. “The medical executive committee just gave me a unanimous no confidence vote,” he says. “They’re complaining about closed communications and aloofness. And the Gazette called and wants to talk about my compensation."

Helping Boards Achieve and Demonstrate Accountability

Trustee Articles
With health reform comes increased demand for transparency about organizational performance and accountability. While most hospital and health system senior leaders realize this, board members, surprisingly, may not. As such, boards must have a clear understanding of their accountability to the organization’s stakeholders in order to govern effectively.