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61 Results Found

The Rise of the New Health Companies

Snapshot A handful of high-performing hospital systems are coming together to form unique new entities that offer better, more convenient care at lower cost.

Physician Organizations Should Drive Quality

A strong, consistent governance and leadership focus on doing what’s best for patients and communities is positioning physician organizations as significant drivers of improved quality and financia

The First Trustees: History Lessons

“I do not remember any of my political manoeuvres, the success of which gave me at the time more pleasure ...”

How to prepare your hospital for risk

Trustees of nonprofit health care organizations appreciate that revenue from fee-for-service reimbursement has been the basis for keeping their institutions financially sustainable over many years.

Independence through collaboration

Trustee talking points Collaboratives or alliances of neighboring health systems are an alternative to formal consolidation. They provide a way for systems to gain

5 Necessary Competencies for CEOs

When your board hired your organization’s CEO, the competencies the CEO possessed likely were a major factor in the selection process.

Health system strategies: Making the tough decisions

The leaders of health systems must focus on a handful of crucial strategies to ensure optimal performance of their organization.

Breaking through barriers

Health care organizations must develop accessible, integrated systems of care that are convenient, affordable and intuitive.

Investing in Innovation to Disrupt Health Cares Status Quo

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Many hea

The Three Challenges Impacting Health Cares New Normal

SNAPSHOT Hospital and system leaders say that they are acclimating to the transformed health care environment, but risk-based contracts, pressure to grow and regulatory scrutiny