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197 Results Found


Use Model Letter to Submit Comments on OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard

AHA model comments on OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard.

Urge Support for Legislation Extending the Deadline for Hospitals to Spend PRF Payments

The Provider Relief Fund Deadline Extension Act (S. 2493/H.R. 4735) was introduced yesterday in the Senate and House.

Urge Congress NOT to Use Medicare Sequester, COVID-19 Provider Relief Funds to Pay for Infrastructure Package

Congress and the Biden Administration continue to prepare legislative language for a roughly $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as part of an agreement reached recently between the White House an

Urge Congress NOT to Use PRF, Medicare to Pay for Infrastructure Package

AHA urges hospital and health system leaders to contact their senators and representatives and urge them not to use unobligated COVID-19 Provider Relief Funds or extend the 2% mandatory sequestration cut to Medicare to help pay for the infrastructure package currently under consideration.
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Legislators to Include Support of Hospitals and Health Systems in Infrastructure Legislation

Congress and the Biden Administration are continuing to discuss proposals for a significant legislative package to address the nation’s infrastructure. While negotiations about the size and scope of the package, as well as whether there will be a bipartisan agreement on some pieces of the package or if Democrats will pursue it through reconciliation are still being considered, it is important that we make the case that provisions to support hospitals’ and health systems’ infrastructure are included.

Urge Your Members of Congress to Support Legislative Efforts to Provide Greater Certainty for 340B Hospitals

Please contact your members of Congress and urge them to support legislation that will provide certainty to hospitals participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Urge Your Rep. to Sign Letter Asking HHS to Extend June 30 Deadline for Spending Emergency Relief Funds

Please contact your representatives today and ask them to sign onto a House Dear Colleague letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra urging HHS to take a number of actions related to the COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund (PRF).
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Bills to Extend Moratorium on 2% Medicare Sequester Cuts

Alert urging member action to secure congressional support for extending the Medicare sequestration moratorium past April 1.

Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Hospital and Health System Priorities as Part of Health Care Legislative Package

After Congress this week wraps up its $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief legislation, it could consider a health care legislative package before the Easter congressional recess that is slated to begin M