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Member Non-Fed

ACT NOW: House and Senate Hearings this Week to Focus on Key Hospital and Health System Issues

Several House and Senate committees will hold hearings this week on a variety of issues that affect hospitals and health systems.

ACT NOW TO PROTECT HOSPITALS AND PATIENTS: Urge Your Representative Not to Back Damaging Legislation that Would Jeopardize Access to Care

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health May 17 is expected to mark up a series of proposed bills following a se
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Reps to Sign House ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter, Sponsor Bill to Stop Medicaid DSH Payment Cuts

Reps. Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y., Dan Crenshaw, R-T.X., Diana DeGette, D-Colo.., and Michael Burgess, R-T.X., are spearheading a “Dear Colleague” letter urging House leadership to take action to prevent the pending cuts to Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments, which are scheduled to take effect on Oct. 1, 2023.
Member Non-Fed

Ways and Means Plans Hearing on Hospitals’ Tax-Exempt Status

The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight April 26 will hold a hearing that will include discussion of hospitals’ and health systems’ status as tax-exempt organizations and the IRS’ community benefit standard. We ask that you reach out to your representative on the Ways and Means Subcommittee prior to the hearing to share with them the immense benefits hospitals and health systems provide to the communities they serve.
Member Non-Fed

Congress Is Considering Hospital Cuts; Tell Them to Reject Proposals That Could Jeopardize Patients’ Access to Care

Several House subcommittees April 26 will hold hearings on a variety of issues that affect hospitals and health systems, including transparency, site-neutral payment policies, tax-exempt status, workforce shortages and the Provider Relief Fund.
Member Non-Fed

URGENT: Congress Has the Wrong Idea on Cures for Hospitals; Follow Up with Your E&C Member

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health is expected to hold a follow-up hearing on transparency and competition in health care. The AHA appreciates your outreach in advance of the March 28 hearing; however, based on the comments representatives made during the recent hearing, it is clear there remains a critical need to continue the ongoing education of lawmakers, especially those serving on this important subcommittee.

Use Model Comment Letter to CMS on Interoperability and Prior Authorization Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Dec.
Member Non-Fed

Use Model Letter to Submit Comments on CMS’ Medicare Advantage Proposed Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Dec. 14 issued its Medicare Advantage (MA) proposed rule for contract year 2024. The AHA has developed a model comment letter that hospitals and health systems can use to assist with submitting their own comments on the proposed rule to CMS.

Urge Congress to Enact Key Priorities in Year-End Spending Package

As Congress deliberates on its lame-duck legislative agenda, the AHA continues to urge congressional leaders to include a number of key priorities in a year-end spending package.

Stringent Energy Targets Could Cost You

Action Alert
January 31, 2020