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23 Results Found

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition


SHSMD ADVANCETM for Teams is a professional development platform offering a series of skill building tools designed to help your team face the rigorous demands of health care strategy.

Skill Builder

SHSMD ADVANCE™ Skill Builder

Lights, Camera, Action Effective Storytelling Through Digital Channels

Presentation Resource
Learn how one health system has made a rapid conversion from a traditional marketing platform to an integrated, digitally focused program.

Bridging Worlds as a Model for Building and Advancing Integrated Strategy Teams

Presentation Resource
How can the attributes and skills highlighted in Bridging Worlds be applied to take your team to the next level? This session will allow participants to explore these concepts through real-world case studies, gaining practical knowledge to apply within their own organizations.

Bridging New Paths: Competencies Needed for Transformational Healthcare Strategists

Presentation Resource
Applicable to all levels of personnel, this competency model can be used not only to guide development conversations, but also to put an accountable structure and focus around your development plans.

What's Your Story? How to Craft Narratives Using Human-Centered Design that Inspire Your Audience

Join us for an interactive webinar where you will learn fundamental principles of storytelling and reflect on a personal story of your own. This workshop gives you the chance to work on your story and apply human-centered design to a wide variety of challenges that we face in health care. This webinar is about Story + Telling. Come prepared to think through the features of a ‘story’ (content and team alignment) and the essentials of the ‘telling’ (channels and communication plan). (Webinar presented March 8, 2023)

SHSMD ADVANCE™ The Learning Edge for Health Care Strategists

SHSMD ADVANCE™ is a comprehensive learning framework that includes a series of skill building tools that will help you and your health care strategy team assess, build, and promote your strategic abilities.