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297 Results Found

AHA webinar discusses PSO participation connection to patient safety

The American Hospital Association (AHA) will host a webinar explaining the value of Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) in advancing the quality of care.

Why & How to Incorporate Cyber Risk Management Into Enterprise Risk Management | Cybersecurity | Center

Cyber risk should be evaluated in terms of potential risk to patient care and safety. Security and privacy of patient data is very important but not above patient safety.

I&L Committee Topic: Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Sterilization

AHRMM Issues & Legislative (I&L) Committee identifies, reviews and follows the regulatory, environmental,

Journal of Health Care Risk Management – Volume 40 | Number 1

Journal of Healthcare risk management features articles on research, trends and new developments in the field of health care risk management. The Q3 2020 issue of the Journal of Health Care Risk Management features articles on research, trends and new developments in the field.

Insider Risk Programs for the Healthcare and Public Health Sector: Implementation Guide

Trusted insiders, both witting and unwitting, can cause grave harm to your organizations facilities, resources, information, and personnel. Insider incidents account for billions of dollars annually in “actual” and “potential” damages and lost revenue related to data breaches, trade secret theft, fraud, sabotage, damage to an organization’s reputation, acts of workplace violence, and more.

FBI: Nation-state cyber campaign targeting virtual private networks

The FBI today alerted the private sector to a sophisticated and aggressive nation-state campaign targeting known critical and common vulnerabilities in virtual private networks, initially reported by the government last year.