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748 Results Found

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition

AHA Center for Health Innovation’s Market Scan | Center

The AHA Center for Health Innovation’s Market Scan newsletter provides insights and analysis on the field’s latest developments in health care disruption, transformation and innovation. Sign up for your Free Market Scan subscription to get the latest news, insights and analysis on innovation delivered straight to your inbox.

3 Keys for Hospitals to Achieve Sustainable Financial Stability

C-suite executives will need to realize cost reductions of 15% to 20% by 2030 to create a foundation for long-term financial sustainability, a new Oliver Wyman analysis suggests.

Survey: Without a Top-Notch Consumer Experience, Expect Patient Flight

About one in five consumers switched providers in the past year and nearly 90% said they did so because the organization was hard to do business with, notes a recent Accenture report.

Revolutionizing Revenue-Cycle Management Efficiency with AI

A new AHA Center for Health Innovation Leadership Scan episode, “Revolutionizing Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Efficiency with AI,” will share insights on how AI solutions can help hospitals and health systems overcome staffing challenges in critical RCM areas to respond more efficiently to payer denials.

3 Ways GLP-1 Drugs Could Impact Your Hospital’s Future

Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist drugs have been surging in popularity, and manufacturers are scurrying to keep up with demand. Overall, the GLP-1 market is expected to experience annual growth exceeding 20% and will hit $133 billion worldwide by 2030, according to a MarketWatch report from February.

Futurescan: Health Care Trends and Implications Publication

Futurescan is a series of publications for health care leaders that the American Hospital Association’s (AHA’s) Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) has published annually since 1999. 

Addressing the Changing Health Care Landscape

The fundamental work of health care strategies must evolve in tandem with the changing health care landscape to meet the demands of the modern world.

4 Ways to Make Nurse Managers More Impactful

The nurse manager role remains one of the most challenging in hospitals. Now a new AONL report suggests that it may be time for executives to look more closely at how they can support these leaders to optimize their effectiveness.

Will AI Help Address Our Behavioral Health Crisis?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is assisting some clinicians in the way they diagnose and provide therapy for behavioral health patients. The hope is that AI may be able to help providers improve access for the growing number of patients who need care. The applications, both home-grown in health systems and those from innovative startups, are drawing interest from researchers, payers and investors alike.