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43 Results Found

AHA podcast: The Impact of Prior Authorization on Clinicians and Patients

Andrea Preisler, AHA senior associate director of administrative simplification policy, Jennifer Cameron, executive director of patient access at Children's National Health System, and David Jacobson, M.D., division chief of blood and marrow transplantation at Children's National Hospital, discuss what the new prior authorization rule means for ensuring clinicians can do what they do best: take care of their patients.

GAO report finds lack of oversight on Medicaid managed care plans’ prior authorization requirements for children

A report released May 29 by the Government Accountability Office found a lack of state oversight on Medicaid managed care plans’ use of prio

Abrazo Arrowhead Campus in Glendale unveils $14M neonatal intensive care unit expansion

A terrific new care site option is now available for Phoenix-area babies born with nearly any kind of medical condition.

Thank your active mom for your healthy heart, say researchers investigating impact of pregnancy exercise

Heart health starts in the womb, according to researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, who found that babies had better heart health after birth when their mothers exercised, even moderately, throughout pregnancy.

AHA Statement to Senate Committee on Physician Well-being, Pediatric Emergency Care Acts

AHA statement before the HELP Committee on legislation to be considered at the committee’s executive session on May 23, 2024.

Delaware, Tennessee become first states to provide diapers through Medicaid

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently announced the approval of Delaware and Tennessee as the first states to provide diapers to children covered by Medicaid.

Rhode Island hospital meets teens’ needs for behavioral health care

Providence, R.I.’s Butler Hospital, a part of Care New England, is reaching out to teens as part of its mission as the state’s only nonprofit, freestanding psychiatric hospital.

AHA, other national groups urge Congress to increase funding for CHGME program

The AHA and other national health care organizations May 16 sent a letter to Senate and House appropriations leaders requesting $758 million in funding for the Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education program for fiscal year 2025, an increase over prior funding allocations

Covering eastern Idaho’s ‘uncovered gap’ in teen mental health services

Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center's new intensive outpatient program is designed to support young people dealing with issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, trauma and suicidal ideation that impact their school, relationships, family and/or community.

Texas Children's Brain Tumor Research for Dogs Could Teach News Tricks for Treating Humans

In a pioneering study, researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital and the Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) uncovered extreme genetic similarities between brain tumors in humans and dogs. Published in the Acta Neuropathologica journal, the research could help uncover effective new treatments for both humans and canines.