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1502 Results Found

AHA Resource Center

Quick information service — Drawing from sources readily at hand, staff supply quick facts such as data items, addresses and telephone numbers, dates, definitions, and referral to other appropriate resources.

Infographic: SAVE Health Care Workers from Workplace Violence

A new AHA infographic explains the need for Congress to enact the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act (H.R. 2584/S. 2768), bipartisan legislation that would give health care workers federal protections from workplace violence similar to the current protections for airport and aircraft employees.

At AHA briefing, hospital leaders urge Congress to pass the SAVE Act and protect health care workers from violence

Members of Congress and hospital and physician leaders Jan. 30 highlighted at a Capitol Hill briefing how the bipartisan Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act (H.R. 2584/S. 2768) would help protect health care workers from violence, alleviate workforce challenges and sustain quality patient care.

Combating Human Trafficking

Resources to identify and assist victims of human trafficking. Resources include ICD-10-CM coding resources and other organizations' initiatives and resources.

Hospital groups highlight need to enact SAVE Act

In a Jan. 24 letter, AHA and other national hospital organizations voiced support for the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act (H.R. 2584/S. 2768), bipartisan legislation that would provide federal protections for health care workers similar to those that apply to aircraft and airport workers. 

5 Best Practices for Integrating Market and Provider Data into Your Health System Management Structure

Hospitals and health systems frequently struggle with aggregating market and provider data (market share - inpatient & outpatient, patient leakage data, specialty supply & demand, employed

Report: HRSA should classify as essential certain health care services related to intimate partner violence 

The Health Resources and Services Administration should classify as essential 15 health care services related to intimate partner violence, according to a report released Jan. 11 by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

AHA releases digital toolkit for National Human Trafficking Awareness Month 

AHA has released social media content and graphics in English and Spanish to help hospitals and health systems raise awareness about human trafficking during January’s National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

AHA webinar: Facility Safety and Security in Health Care

A webinar presented Dec. 7 by AHA's Hospital Against Violence initiative features discussion about facility safety and security strategies and the technologies that aim to mitigate workforce and workplace violence.

AHA Ukrainian Effort to Help Health Care Workers

Passport2Liberty helps Ukrainian nurses resettle in the United States. OSF Healthcare leads efforts to donate ambulances and supplies.