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41 Results Found


AHA Support of Senate Bill Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act of 2024

(AHA) voices support for the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act of 2024 (S.4350) to extend the acute care hospital-at-home (H@H) program for five years.

Congress introduces legislation to extend hospital-at-home program

The AHA praised Congress May 23 for their support and introduction of the bipartisan Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act, which would grant a five-year extension to the hospital-at-home program. 

AHA urges Congress to extend Affordable Connectivity Program to support digital health care services 

In a letter submitted May 7 to a bipartisan group of senators, AHA urged Congress to extend the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides benefits toward high-speed internet, allowing patients access to services such as telehealth, hospital at home, patient portals and electronic patient records, virtual scheduling and remote patient monitoring. 

CMS Finalizes Medicaid Access and Payment Fee-for-service Rule

The CMS released April 22 a final rule focused on ensuring access to services for Medicaid beneficiaries in fee-for-service delivery systems in keeping with the Administration’s objectives to improve access for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries.

AHA comments on draft legislation to extend hospital-at-home program

Commenting last week on a discussion draft of the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act, which would extend the hospital-at-home program through 2027, AHA thanked the sponsors for their ongoing work to extend this innovative program and voiced support for its continuance.

AHA Supports Legislation to Continue Hospital-at-home Model

The American Hospital Association comments on the discussion draft of the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act to extend the acute care hospital-at-home program.

Providers Betting Big on Future of Hospital at Home

The hospital at home (H@H) model has grown significantly since CMS launched its waiver program in 2020 to help mitigate capacity issues during COVID-19.

AHA voices support for extending Medicare telehealth, hospital at home flexibilities

AHA March 12 shared with the House Ways and Means Committee how telehealth and hospital-at-home (H@H) programs have expanded access to care for patients in their homes and the need for these programs to continue.