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5 Results Found

Navigating Patient Risk and Engagement with Genomic Precision

Health systems are increasing patients’ access to genomics for a more preventive and individualized approach to care.

Strengthening Financial Performance in Rural Hospitals

Hospitals are assessing revenue-cycle management performance, employing best practices and using analytics and automation to ensure financial health.

Automating and Streamlining the Claims Management Processes

Hospitals are using EHR integration, analytics, AI and robotic process automation to improve revenue cycle management and financial stability.

Rising Demand for Surgeries and Advancing the Quintuple Aim Through Innovation

Hospitals are optimizing surgical and perioperative performance and advancing the Quintuple Aim with AI, robotics, visualization and EHRs.

Reinvention to Build a Future-Ready Health Care Workforce

Health leaders are reinventing the nature of care delivery by adopting technology and AI to lessen health care workforce burnout and meet care needs.