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417 Results Found

Recommended Inventory Reserve Strategies

As health care emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain resiliency is a priority.

Vetted Domestic PPE Manufacturers

Supply chain teams across the U.S. continue to face supply shortages.

Beyond the Pandemic: Mitigating Supply Chain Risk and Disruption (AHA Transformation Talks)

COVID-19 has exposed the fragile nature of the health care supply chain, but it’s not the first public health crisis to do so. Michael Schiller, AHRMM's Senior Director of Supply Chain, and Richard Bagley, Senior Vice President, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Penn State Health, led the discussion on lessons learned and ways we should rethink supply chain strategies for the future.

Study details factors linked to nurse depression during pandemic’s first wave

A survey of nearly 2,500 nurses employed at four New York University Langone Health System hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic linked higher levels of depression and anxiety to several factors

COVID-19 leads Colorado nurse execs to form collaborative

Kathy Boyle, PhD, RN, chief nursing officer at Denver Health and AONL member, spearheaded the creation of a nurse leader collaborative to share experiences and support her peers who work in Colorado health care systems.

Hospitals share COVID-19-inspired changes to nursing practice

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced hospitals to adapt in a rapidly changing environment. After a year of operation under these circumstances, hospital CEOs have begun to reassess, stopping some operations and starting others.

AHA supports bipartisan legislation to ease hospital staff shortages

This week, the American Hospital Association (AHA) informed Congressional leaders of the Association’s support for legislation to ease hospital staff shortages.

AONL leaders to discuss COVID Insight Study findings

AONL CEO Robyn Begley and President Mary Ann Fuchs will discuss the latest results of AONL's Longitudinal COVID Insight Study, which received support from the AONL

CNOs discuss nursing shortage

In Becker’s Hospital Review, chief nursing officers (CNOs) this month described how they are coping with the unprecedented workforce shortage resulting from the pandemic.

State Department prioritizes immigrant visas for HCPs

This week, the State Department instructed U.S. embassies and consulates to prioritize “as emergencies on a case-by-case basis the immigrant visa cases of certain health care