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227 Results Found


Urge Congress to Provide Hospitals with Additional Support Needed to Fight COVID-19

With both the delta and omicron variants exerting tremendous strain on our health care system, we are calling on Congress to include a number of key priorities to support hospitals and caregivers as part of a must-pass legislative package next month.

Perspective: Progress on Stopping Cuts to Hospitals … Still More Work to Do

This week Congress passed legislation to stop a number of harmfu

AHA blog: Study on Provider Relief Fund uses arbitrary data to make incomplete conclusions

A recent study published in JAMA Health Forum that examines CARES Act Provider Relief Funds allocated to health care providers misses the point of those payments and makes arbitrary choices about which payments to include, writes Ashley Thompson, AHA senior vice president for public policy analysis and development, in a new AHA blog post.

Study on Provider Relief Fund uses arbitrary data to make incomplete conclusions

A recent study published in JAMA Health Forum (“Association Between COVID-19 Relief Funds and Hospital Characteristics in the U.S.”) that examines CARES Act Provider Relief Funds allocated to health care providers misses the point of those payments and makes arbitrary choices about which payments to include. 

New Report: Costs of Caring for Sicker Patients to Drive Continued Hospital and Health System Financial Losses Throughout 2021

A new analysis prepared by Kaufman, Hall & Associates, LLC and released today by the AHA shows that higher expenses for labor, drugs and supplies as well as patients putting off care during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will continue to negatively impact the financial health of hospitals and health systems throughout 2021.

Financial Effects of COVID-19: Hospital Outlook for the Remainder of 2021

America’s hospitals face significant, ongoing financial instability as the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to fester. Kaufman Hall projects hospitals nationwide will lose an estimated $54 billion in net income over the course of the year, even taking into account federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding from last year.

AHA shares updated reports on hospital merger benefits, detrimental commercial insurance practices with federal regulators

AHA shared with the National Economic Council, Federal Trade Commission, and departments of Health and Human Services and Justice an updated study by Charles River Associates on the benefits of mergers within the hospital field.

FEMA extends funding for eligible COVID-19 costs, issues advisory on medical staffing requests

President Biden extended through Dec. 31, 2021, 100% federal reimbursement through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance Program for eligible costs to safely reopen and operate certain private nonprofits in response to the COVID-19 emergency, including private nonprofit medical facilities.

Letter to HHS Secretary on Provider Relief Fund Payments

Letter to HHS Secretary Becerra urging him to allow providers that received funding prior to June 30, 2020 to use their COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund payments through the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency or, at a minimum, through the end of 2021.