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682 Results Found

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month 2024 and learn how hospitals and health systems are addressing behavioral health care.

HHS announces national strategy to improve maternal mental health care

The Department of Health and Human Services May 14 announced a national strategy to address maternal mental health and substance use issues.

Will AI Help Address Our Behavioral Health Crisis?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is assisting some clinicians in the way they diagnose and provide therapy for behavioral health patients. The hope is that AI may be able to help providers improve access for the growing number of patients who need care. The applications, both home-grown in health systems and those from innovative startups, are drawing interest from researchers, payers and investors alike.

Helping Parents and Kids Talk About Mental Health

. In this conversation, Jessica Galo, director of specialty care at AdventHealth for Children, and Jaeann Ashton, marketing director of Women's and Children's at AdventHealth, explore how the “Be a Mindleader” campaign is leading the way to improving adolescent mental health with these life-changing conversations.

Joining Forces in Support of Mental and Behavioral Health

In this conversation, Mary Marran, president and CEO of Butler Hospital, describes how the enhanced partnership with The Providence Center has made a big difference in coordinating services and resources for their patients.

Physical & Behavioral Health Integration Resources

The resources in this section offer examples of how hospitals and health systems successfully integrate behavioral health into their existing care, as well as research and thought leadership on the impacts of integration.

Opioid Prescribing Practices & Treating Pain

You can develop a successful opioid stewardship practice. Use these resources to help recognize, prevent and treat opioid misuse and save lives.

AHA podcast: Supporting Intensive Outpatient Perinatal Care 

Two behavioral health experts from Illinois-based Ascension Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital share how its intensive outpatient perinatal care program accommodates new moms who need an elevated level of support.

People Matter, Words Matter

The AHA, together with behavioral health and language experts from member hospitals and partner organizations, will release a series of downloadable posters to help your employees adopt patient-centered, respectful language.