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2672 Results Found

Business Intelligence Report | Digital Acceleration Drives Care Delivery Shifts

Hospitals and health systems rapidly expanded the use of digital technology as the pandemic rolled on in 2021. Telehealth visits, including phone and video consultations, soared as millions of patients opted for virtual care. Remote patient monitoring also grew sharply as provider organizations worked to deliver more personalized, connected care. These and other expanded uses of digital solutions are expected to continue once the pandemic subsides. Use the information in this report as you prepare for engaging hospitals and health systems.

Maternal and Child Health Resources: 2023 Synopsis

Explore AHA’s Better Health for Mothers and Babies initiative resources, highlighting hospitals and health systems improving maternal and child health outcomes, produced in 2023.

Meeting Demand: Creating a New Pipeline of Health Care Workers

Grady Health System’s Yolanda Wimberly, M.D., senior vice president and chief health equity officer, and Felicia Mobley, Ph.D., director of health equity, discuss their new teen experience and leadership program.

AHA podcast: Creating a New Pipeline of Health Care Workers

The creators of Grady Health System’s Teen Experience and Leadership Program describe how providing hands-on internships for local teens is helping to build its workforce pipeline for decades to come.