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336 Results Found

Maine health system basks in a red glow to encourage heart-healthy activities, reduce heart disease risk

To mark American Heart Month in February, Northern Light Health is “glowing red” all month and sharing tips for heart-healthy exercise habits and recipes.

AONL Affiliates

AONL currently recognizes 44 Affiliates. These affiliates play an important role in helping nursing leaders forge strong links with colleagues in their state and region.

A Love Letter to Our Outpatient Rehabilitation staff

Lily Colmenero expressed her gratitude to several of the care teams and staff members at New Mexico’s Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital who provide ongoing compassionate care for her husband, Cesar, as he battles the effects of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Community Collaborations and Opioids

Mobilize community partnerships to develop and implement prevention, intervention, and treatment activities for opioid use and misuse. These resources can help.

A North Carolina hospital is reading to their tiniest patients. Here’s why.

As part of NICU Awareness Month and National Literacy Month, each baby’s family in the FirstHealth NICU was gifted a book and information on the importance of reading.

Behavioral Health: Community Partnerships

The resources on this page showcase stories and the steps to achieving successful behavioral health community partnerships and expand access to behavioral health services at the right time, place and level of care.

How a Combined Emergency — and Viral — Preparedness Effort Took Shape at Wallowa Memorial Hospital

When joined together, emergency prep and routine immunizations can be an effective way to mobilize community members to make healthy choices for their future selves.

Forever Grateful

This time has been hard for many, but it has been especially challenging for doctors, nurses and health care workers. Through it all, they have cared for their communities with compassion and skill. We invite you to thank the women and men at your local hospital or health system for all they do to keep us healthy and safe.