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AHA to CMS: Recommendations for Reducing the Burden of Clinical Documentation

AHA recommends CMS actions to reduce burden of clinical documentation.

Active Shooter Incidents in Health Care Settings

Due to recent tragic events, Hospitals Against Violence has gathered for health care facilities a list of resources and tools that provide guidance on how to prepare and respond to an active shooter incident.

AHA 2024 Health Care Workforce Scan

The AHA Nov. 15 released its 2024 Health Care Workforce Scan — an annual snapshot of America’s hospital and health system employment, based on reports, studies and other data sources from leading organizations and researchers. The scan also offers valuable insights and practical recommendations to guide member organizations forward. The AHA Nov. 15 released its 2024 Health Care Workforce Scan — an annual snapshot of America’s hospital and health system employment, based on reports, studies and other data sources from leading organizations and researchers. The scan also offers valuable insights and practical recommendations to guide member organizations forward. The complex workforce challenges hospitals and health care systems face are an amalgam of new concerns and old issues. Successfully navigating them requires an ongoing commitment to develop innovative, multifaceted solutions. Under the direction of the AHA Board Task Force on Workforce, the Association continues to provide the field with tools, data, successful practices and strategies to strengthen the health care workforce now, in the near future and over the long term.

Advocacy Issue: Physician Workforce

Congress should take a number of actions to help hospitals and health systems support today’s workforce and ensure a future pipeline of professionals to meet the nation’s increasing demands for care.

AHA Expresses Support for the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act (S. 3211)

AHA letter to Senators Durbin and Cramer expressing support for the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act (S. 3211).

AHA Expresses Support for the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act (H.R. 6205)

AHA letter to Representatives Schneider and Bacon expressing support of the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act (H.R. 6205).

Leapfrog Updates Hospital Safety Grade Methodology

Following a public comment period, the Leapfrog Group finalized updates to the scoring methodology used to calculate Hospital Safety Grades. New grades are expected in early November. See AHA's Member Advisory for more information.

AHA Recommendations to House Ways & Means Committee on Improving Health Care Access in Rural and Underserved Areas

Many hospitals including those in rural and underserved areas are experiencing unprecedented challenges that jeopardize access and services. Here are a series of proposals and suggestions for the Ways and Means Committee to consider as it looks for avenues to broaden access to health care for patients in rural and underserved regions.

Government Funding Talks Continue, Hospitals and Health Systems Should Monitor Situation

There are nine days until the end of the federal fiscal year, and none of the 12 annual appropriations bills necessary to fund the federal government have been enacted.

AHA Comments on Senate Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act

AHA comments on provisions included in the Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act.