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246 Results Found

4 Ways Hospitals Can Reshape Their Future

The recently released AHA 2023 Environmental Scan provides a data and analysis snapshot of where the health care field has been and where it’s headed to help executives plot their path forward.

Reducing Readmissions

Case studies and other resources to reduce hospital readmissions.

Using Z Codes to Improve Health Equity in Rural Indiana

Hospitals and health systems are working to address the societal factors that influence health, including the social needs of their patients, social determinants of health in their communities and the systemic causes that lead to health inequities.

2022 340B Hospital Community Benefit Analysis

Tax-exempt hospitals are required to publicly report on the ways in which they improve the health of the communities they serve yearly through the IRS Form 990 Schedule H, which is publicly available. In 2019, the most recent year for which this information is available, tax-exempt hospitals participating in the 340B drug savings program provided $67.9B in total benefits to their communities.

The Current State of Hospital Finances: Fall 2022 Update

Since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic in March 2020, our nation’s hospitals and health systems have coped with intense pressure on staff and resources. Hospitals also are facing a host of other related challenges, including workforce shortages, supply disruptions, and rising expenses. These findings underscore the broad and serious threats America’s hospitals have faced and continue to face in 2022 caring for their communities throughout unprecedented challenges.

Case Study: Preparing for and Rebuilding from a Natural Disaster in Graves County, KY

On Friday, December 10, 2021, the deadliest tornado outbreak on record, for the month of December.

Case Study: Improving Access and Quality of Maternal and Infant Services in Rural Iowa

Rising costs and a shortage of health care providers make access to services challenging, especially in rural communities.