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309 Results Found

Blog: 5 ways administrative and clinical leaders can convene for value

In this AHA blog Priya Bathija, vice president of strategic initiatives, and Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, share five ways to improve collaborations between administrative and clinical leaders when designing and implementing value-based strategies.

5 Ways Administrative and Clinical Leaders Can Convene for Value

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever altered the way hospitals and health systems care for patients. Much has been written and said about the pandemic’s devastating effects; there are, however, some silver linings.

Value Break: The Power of Z Codes for Addressing Social Needs

In this Value Break from AHA’s The Value Initiative, learn how hospitals can use Z-codes to advance population health and equity in their communities.

Role of Nurses in Health Equity

Priya Bathija, vice president of AHA’s Strategic Initiatives, and Robyn Begley, CEO of American Organization for Nursing Leadership and chief nursing officer and senior vice president at the AHA, discuss the role of nurses in achieving health equity, screening for social needs and advocating for policy change.

COVID-19: Creating an Equitable Path Forward

Learn about solutions to create a more equitable path forward.


The Value Initiative offers in-person and virtual learning opportunities to support your value and affordability journey.

SHSMD Strategists Salon: Closing the Gap between Strategy and Execution on the Move to Value | Recording

This SHSMD Strategists Salon provided a unique opportunity to learn from and network with our speakers and SHSMD members. In addition, this dialogue will contribute to a toolkit being created in collaboration between SHSMD and AHA’s The Value Initiative for the hospital field. 

Joining Hands for Greater Impact: How Hospitals are Partnering to Support their Communities through COVID-19

Throughout the pandemic, innovative partnerships have helped hospitals and health systems ensure ongoing care for patients, health care workers and their communities. Here are some of the success stories that have shone brightly at every phase of this public health emergency. Plus, there’s an opportunity to learn how we can help accelerate COVID-19 vaccinations.

The Value Initiative Members In Action: Atrium Health – Charlotte, N.C.

To increase access to behavioral health care, Atrium Health employs a virtual behavioral health integration program at 36 of its primary care and pediatric sites.