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23 Results Found

Nurse Executive Fellowship

In-Person Events
Develop a network of peers through the Fellowship in Executive Nursing Leadership. A nine-month program with a mix of seasoned nurse executives from across the country.

AONL Fellow Designation - FAONL

In-Person Events
Learn about the AONL Fellow Designation, a prestigious recognition for distinguished AONL nurse leaders, including application requirements,…

Webinar: Interview with the 2023 Risk Professional of the Year

How do you ensure that leadership really listens to the problems that staff are facing?

Interview with the 2023 Risk Professional of the Year

Join the conversation as Tracy Melina, the ASHRM 2023 Health Care Risk Management Professional of the Year, talks about professional growth, biases in health care and building trust in health care.

AHRMM Supply Chain Fundamentals

The Supply Chain Fundamentals eLearning series provides foundational skills for supply chain professionals. Participants will learn how to develop and apply tools, approaches, and techniques used in the design and operation of health care systems and the integrated supply chain.

Supply Chain Fundamentals: CMRP to FAHRMM - The Fellow Program

Explore how to achieve the next level in supply chain leadership - the AHRMM Fellow (FAHRMM) designation.

Application | Next Generation Leaders Fellowship | Center

We recommend gathering the required materials in advance and drafting your responses separately then copy-pasting them into the application form when you’re ready to apply.

Next Generation Leaders Fellowship | Center

This annual fellowship is a unique opportunity to be paired with an executive-level mentor who will guide you through the planning and execution of a year-long transformation project at your hospital or health system.

FAONL Informational Webinar

This webinar will review the application and eligibility process for the FAONL credential.

Fellowship Schedule | Next Generation Leaders Fellowship | Center

The 12-month AHA Next Generation Leaders Fellowship will be bookended with in-person meetings. The majority of the program takes place virtually through inquiry-based modules, discussions and web meetings with faculty and mentors representing diverse expertise and leadership positions.