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45 Results Found

Affiliate Achievement Award


Pamela Austin Thompson Emerging Leader Award

The award recognizes an engaged member who exhibits significant potential as a future health care leader.

Exemplary Leadership Award


Lifetime Achievement Award


AONL Prism Award

The Prism Award recognizes an organization who is a leader in advancing diversity and inclusion efforts within the nursing profession, health care organization or community.

Awards & Recognition

AONL and AONL Foundation awards and fellow designation recognize honorees for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the nursing leadership community.

Circle of Life Awards Sponsors

The Circle of Life Awards: Celebrating Innovation in Palliative and End-of-Life Care gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organizations.

AHA Quest for Quality Prize Committee Members

The $75,000 Quest for Quality Prize is presented annually to recognize health care leadership and innovation in providing and improving quality and advancing health in communities. Quest for Quality Prize Committee Members select the honorees

Circles of Influence

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Ambassador Referral Directory

Thank you to the AONL members who participated in past AONL Ambassador Campaigns. The members listed in the directory helped strengthen the AONL membership.