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726 Results Found

AHA and other national associations send letter to FTC requesting delayed implementation of noncompete rule

A coalition of 230 national associations, including the AHA, submitted a letter the week of May 20 to the Federal Trade Commission requesting a stay on the Sept. 4 effective date of the Non-Compete Clause Final Rule to allow for judicial review.

House hearings examine challenges of private physician practices, budgetary impacts of consolidation in health care

The AHA May 23 submitted statements for a House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health hearing on challenges for private physician practices, and a House Budget Committee hearing on the budgetary effects of consolidation in health care.

Congress introduces legislation to extend hospital-at-home program

The AHA praised Congress May 23 for their support and introduction of the bipartisan Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act, which would grant a five-year extension to the hospital-at-home program. 

AHA Statement: Legislative Proposals To Increase Medicaid Access And Improve Program Integrity

On behalf of our nearly 5,000 member hospitals, health systems and other health care organizations, our clinician partners — including

House subcommittee passes legislation on telehealth, hospital-at-home during markup session

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health May 16 passed a number of bills during a markup session, including AHA-supported legislation.

Senate Finance Committee hearing explores rural health challenges

The AHA shared a series of proposals to strengthen rural health care with the Senate Finance Committee for a hearing May 16 titled, “Rural Health Care: Supporting Lives and Improving Communities.”

House reauthorizes Emergency Medical Services for Children Program

The House May 15 passed legislation reauthorizing the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program (H.R. 6960) for an additional five years, providing funding for equipment and training to help hospitals and paramedics treat pediatric emergencies.

AHA supports rural access to care legislation considered during House Ways and Means Committee markup session

AHA submitted a statement May 8 to the House Ways and Means Committee for a markup session on proposed legislation impacting telehealth access for patients and rural access to care.

AHA urges Senate committee to support federal programs promoting workforce diversity, maternal health 

Mounting pressures on the health care workforce have created a crisis with short-term staffing shortages and a long-range picture of an unfulfilled talent pipeline, and significant projected shortages of physicians and allied health and behavioral health care providers will likely be felt even more strongly in underserved communities, AHA told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in a statement submitted for a hearing May 2.

House subcommittee holds hearing on Medicaid access, program integrity 

AHA submitted a statement to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health for a hearing April 30 on proposed legislation to address Medicaid access and program integrity.