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3570 Results Found

From the front lines of health care

Senators returned to Washington this week to continue debate on legislation that would repeal and replace significant parts of the Affordable Care Act.

More grassroots advocacy from the folks back home

We’ve been sharing with you how many hospitals and health systems are speaking up about congressional Republican proposals to repeal and replace major parts of the Affordable Care Act – proposals t

Heading Into the Ninth

Last month, we urged the Senate to go back to the drawing board after its original proposal included dramatic cuts to the Medicaid program and the loss of health care coverage for tens of millions

A vital safety-net program

The exorbitant cost of many prescription drugs threatens providers’ ability to provide life-saving medications for millions of Americans.

It's Not Over

This was a dramatic week for the Senate’s efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. 

Telehealth is changing care

The health care world is changing. New technologies are moving the field in new and different directions, all of which is good news for patients.

Must-do Health Care Priorities for Congress

Today, Washington’s focus – and the media headlines – have begun to shift to matters like tax reform, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an infrastructure package, and relie

Once Again, Care for Millions at Risk

Once again, health coverage for tens of millions of Americans is at risk. The Senate is considering yet another proposal, by Sens.

What's Next in the Health Care Debate?

Once again, the Senate attempted to pass a proposal to repeal and replace significant parts of the Affordable Care Act. Once again, it met defeat – and we are grateful.