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44 Results Found

Age-friendly health systems overview presented in AHA webinar

Across the country, hospitals, clinics and long-term care sites are becoming age-friendly health systems by implementing the 4Ms Framework — what matters, medications

Value Initiative Members in Action: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center – Los Angeles, Calif

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center – Los Angeles, Calif. Age-friendly Health Care Improves Value for Older Adults with Fractures

Case Study: Healthy Together Care Partnership Embeds Age-Friendly Framework into Practice

Six years after Banner Health created its Healthy Together Care Partnership, the HTCP team joined the American Hospital Association’s Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Community and began its journey to embed age-friendly care into practice. As a result, patient and provider satisfaction scores for patients who receive age-friendly care has increased, costs have decreased, and promising outcomes related to emergency utilization have been reported.

Centering Care around “What Matters” to Patients

Marie Cleary-Fishman, Vice President of Clinical Quality speaks with Amy Berman, Senior Program Officer at The John A. Hartford Foundation and Erin Emery-Tiburcio, Associate Professor of Geriatric & Rehabilitation Psychology and Geriatric Medicine at Rush University Medical Center.

Members in Action: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

In this Members in Action podcast, we will focus on Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s age-friendly efforts.

Creating Value with Age-Friendly Health Systems

The webinar explores the importance and integration of the 4Ms Framework — What Matters, Medications, Mentation and Mobility — to provide high-quality care that meets the unique needs of older adults in hospitals.

AHA Informational Webinar 1: Creating Value with Age-Friendly Health Systems

Across the country, hospitals are becoming Age-Friendly Health Systems as they implement the 4Ms Framework — What Matters, Medications, Mentation and Mobility —

AHA Informational Webinar 2: Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

July 15, 2020 11 A.M. CT | 12 P.M. ET

AHA Informational Webinar 3: Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

August 19, 2020 11 A.M. CT | 12 P.M. ET