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86 Results Found

Fostering Hospital-Community Partnerships to Build a Culture of Health

Webinar Recordings
Learn how Sinai Health System and St. Mary’s Health System established sustainable partnership structures, addressed many social determinants of health and created a positive impact on health outcomes across the communities they serve.

Housing and the Role of Hospitals

Webinar Recordings
The webinar highlighted strategies Children’s Mercy Kansas City and University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System developed to recognize housing barriers as a priority health issue in their communities.

Transportation and the Role of Hospitals

Webinar Recordings
Learn how a rural and an urban hospital, Taylor Regional Hospital in Kentucky and Denver Health Medical Center, established programs and partnerships to advance transportation services.

Creating a Culture of Population Health

Webinar Recordings
This webinar discusses how partnerships around population health can drive organizational and community transformation.

Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

Webinar Recordings
These webinars outline the importance and impact of the 4Ms Framework, detail the benefits of joining the AHA Action Community, and highlight bright spots in the field integrating Age-Friendly care into their hospitals and health systems.

Community Health and Equity Resources at the American Hospital Association

The AHA is focusing on several areas, including health equity and eliminating care disparities, violence and workplace safety, health system and community collaborations to advance health, and social determinants of health. AHA is working to build on this agenda through innovative campaigns and initiatives, strategic alliances, initiatives, publications and annual awards. Highlights from our work in community health and health equity are described in a new document, Community Health and Equity Resources at the American Hospital Association.

Care Transitions in Population Health

Webinar Recordings
This webinar will follow Parkview’s progress as they share risk for populations and the continuous growth of their population health care management programs. It also will describe the multiple approaches taken to identify high-risk populations and how to build a physician-led care management program to support the patient in personal self-care.

Preventing Violence in the Hospital and Community

Webinar Recordings
Pamela Thompson, CEO of AONE, and Stephen Leff, co-director of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Violence Prevention Initiative, will address violence prevention toolkits and programs.

Evaluating the Quality and Impact of Community Benefit Programs

Webinar Recordings
While dollars spent is an easy metric to capture, it doesn't tell us what impact community benefit is having on targeted community health needs. This webinar will focus on telling a new community benefit story in the health reform environment.

ACHI Conference Recordings

Annual Conference
2019 | Chicago Theme: One Voice