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16 Results Found

Fellow Program (FAHRMM)

Discover more about the Supply Chain Management designation known as AHRMM Fellows, which recognizes and honors accomplished members of the health care supply chain who have demonstrated exceptional expertise and achievements in the field.

AHRMM Supply Chain Fundamentals

The Supply Chain Fundamentals eLearning series provides foundational skills for supply chain professionals. Participants will learn how to develop and apply tools, approaches, and techniques used in the design and operation of health care systems and the integrated supply chain.

Supply Chain Fundamentals: CMRP to FAHRMM - The Fellow Program

Explore how to achieve the next level in supply chain leadership - the AHRMM Fellow (FAHRMM) designation.

Supply Chain Integration of Merged and Acquired Entities

This paper shares the experience of a true and complete integration of supply chain in a mid-sized IDN under an accelerated timeline. The study is structured to provide a basic framework for i

Using Business Analytics to Drive Efficiencies – A Rural Hospital’s Approach

Healthcare expenses continue to rise and yet hospitals are realizing consistently shrinking margins.

AHRMM Fellow Program: Reaching Your Highest Potential

Expand your professional knowledge, network and career. Learn about becoming AHRMM Fellow.

The Transformative Power of Supply Chain Management as a Shared Service: Building a Partnership with Nutrition and Food Services

Tremendous value can be achieved by investing Supply Chain Management (SCM) resources into shared services where optimizing the supply chain is not normally a top priority. This paper will discuss an example where SCM partnered with the Nutrition and Food Services (NFS) department within a medical center.

Comparison of Ways to Replenish Storage Areas

White Papers
This paper explores nine different methods of replenishing a hospital storage area and compares and contrasts the steps nursing must progress through to retrieve the supplies they need for their

Painful Product Conversions

White Papers
This paper describes the development of a multidisciplinary and innovative product conversion process at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston, Massachusetts, when the existing process

Leveraging Millennials and Technology to Weather the Perfect Storm

White Papers
Increasing federal regulation compliance costs and declining reimbursements have compressed hospital profitability.