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546 Results Found

Why Nursing Home Quality Matters to Hospitals

Snapshot With reimbursement at risk from readmissions, hospitals are eager to collaborate with nursing homes to smooth the discharge process and provide staff training.

A boards mission, vision and values

How would your directors answer the question, “What’s our governing board’s mission?”

Too old for the childrens hospital?

Trustee talking points Three percent of patients admitted to children’s hospitals are at least 18 years old, and trends indicate that their numbers will only grow.

Crisis Management and Maintaining the Public Trust

Trustee Articles
Maintaining the public trust a hospital and its board can only be effective if they maintain the trust of those the organization serves. According to the Center for Healthcare Governance and the Health Research & Educational Trust’s Blue Ribbon Panel on health care governance, maintaining the public trust is the board’s most important responsibility."

Helping Boards Achieve and Demonstrate Accountability

Trustee Articles
With health reform comes increased demand for transparency about organizational performance and accountability. While most hospital and health system senior leaders realize this, board members, surprisingly, may not. As such, boards must have a clear understanding of their accountability to the organization’s stakeholders in order to govern effectively.

Advent of "Care Systems" Means Governance Must Also Transform

Trustee Articles
Society and industries are always evolving; revolutionary change occurs sporadically when powerful forces align to disrupt the old order. The health care delivery system today is in the midst of an historic transformation to redesign how care is delivered. The quite immodest aim is to take 20 to 30 percent of costs out of the system while maintaining or improving clinical outcomes and patients’ health.