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539 Results Found

Painting a portrait of your patients

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points This is the s

Creating actionable intelligence

Hospitals and health systems have created a wealth of data by adopting electronic health record systems that can integrate information from a variety of sources.

Separate but Stronger

Trustee Talking Points

Taking the leap into coverage

Trustee talking points Provider-owned health plans are becoming more common as hospitals and health systems look for ways to manage value-based payment and assume risk. <

Independence through collaboration

Trustee talking points Collaboratives or alliances of neighboring health systems are an alternative to formal consolidation. They provide a way for systems to gain

Effective Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trustee Articles
Boards can provide tremendous value and crucial support to their hospitals and health systems during the COVID-19 crisis.

Trustee reappointment

When hospital or health system boards think about key practices that support effective governance, considerations such as board recruitment and selection, orientation and continuing education, and

Medicaid Reform Takes Hold

Snapshot State Medicaid programs are saving money and improving quality by adding risk-based reimbursement and care models that wrap around patients.

Board support: Is it time for dedicated governance leadership?

Trustee talking points As hospitals and health systems grow increasingly complex, they are increasingly creating dedicated support staff for their boards. Full-