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539 Results Found

Bottom Line in Patient Safety and Quality

Improving patient safety is a goal at every hospital and health system. In fact, hospital and system trustees have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure high-quality, safe patient care.

Artificial Intelligence - The Next Revolution in Information Technology

Trustee Articles
Boards need to understand artificial intelligence to evaluate its evolving benefits and risks.

Who Is Accountable for this Patient?

Trustee Magazine Articles
Payers in population health contracts are using claims data to identify the physician responsible for a patient’s health and spending. It’s an inexact science that can aggravate providers before empowering them.

Granting physician privileges

A friend of mine who’s a colorectal surgeon in a city far from my home in Utah told me a fascinating story recently about how colonoscopies are performed in the hospital where he practices.

Performance-based Contracts Require Greater Board Oversight

Hospitals and health systems increasingly are entering performance-based contracts as part of the trend toward population health and value-based care.

How to Maximize Board Retreat Success

The measure of board retreat success can be summed up in one simple statement: “That was a good use of my time.” Developing retreats that leverage leadership time and resources and deliver meaningf

Tech for techs sake?

Trustee talking points As health care becomes more complex and shifts its emphasis from volume to value, decisions on buying technology also need to become more sophisticated.

Meet Nancy Agee, the AHAs chair for 2018

Carilion Clinic President and CEO Nancy Howell Agee is nothing if not a visionary leader.

Cybersecurity: Its clinical, too

Imagine this text message shows up on your smartphone: “Dear John, we have complete control of your pacemaker software.

Immersion Day for trustees

Could a board be more effective if it deeply understood the ins and outs of how a health system delivers care? For four years, the Immersion Day program at Mission Health in Asheville, N.